Reference Markets
Broadcast & Feature Film

Cine dailies
A footage manager to handle the making of dailies on set: allows backup, trascoding, upload,
Animation Software

Toonz Premium 7.4
Toonz Premium is the meeting point of the traditional and paperless animation production workflows.
It provides state-of-the-art tools for both the approaches for endless creative possibilities, and allows you to follow your personal approach to computer-assisted animation fast-forwarding tedious and time-consuming steps.

Story Planner
Story Planner is a tool for creating storyboards with graphical and textual information, and generating animatics with soundtrack and animations.

Toonz LineTest is the 2D animation software for pencil animation tests, providing a no-hassle webcam and video camera support, scanning capabilities, and a real time preview integrated in the familiar xsheet interface.

The Tab
The TAB is a 2D animation software tailored to create original animation for the Web and Broadcast in a natural and intuitive way.

The Tab Kids
The TAB Kids is friendly and colorful software for kids to create animations and cartoons.

The tab Manga
The TAB Manga is the software designed to create mangas and animations from start to finish.
Mobile Applications

Plastic Animation Studio
Plastic Animation Studio is created to bring images to life!
It helps the user to create and share their animated videos with friends, unleashing their artistic side.

Runny Card
Runnycard is an app that allows you to create funny movies and postcards about your run to share online with friends.
Everyone can use Runnycard to show their results!
BioMedical (Medical Imaging)

The Keiron app allows viewing, compare and annotate radiologic images.
This app provides powerful and unique diagnostic tools usable on iPad.
Industry, defense and Security, (control systems and monitoring)

Virtual Life
VirtualLife aims to combine a high quality immersive 3D virtual experience with the trustworthiness of a secure communication infrastructure, focusing on the creation of secure and ruled places within the virtual world where important transactions can occur.

A framework to define, design and implement control consoles for Safety Critical systems.
(i.e.. Underground lines fire systems). The frameworks uses a complex methods to avoid risks related to the graphic cards malfunctions.

Avio3D designed and prototyped a portable unit capable to represent in 3D GNSS data, terrain profiles, navigation data as well as to let the user visualize data received from other systems. Such unit is designed for use in amateur avionics.

An innovative framework for planning and dinamic managing of resources and for predictive analisys of costs and processing.
the data-model allows to define complex interdependencies among tasks, : gdelay effects are spread among dependent tasks in realtime, allowing the quick and sharp setup of countermeasures.

System for automatic generation of tests starting from natural speech defined specification (developed for the European Rail Traffic Management System)
Cultural assets

Digitalization and archive creation of a big historical photographic archive from ANSA; creation of an online server online for consultation, visualization, queries and upload/download.

A software for storytelling with vocal and gestures human interface ; installations of olographic booths by auditorium of Rome (Santa Cecilia musical instruments museum).
Reference Markets
Broadcast & Feature Film

Cine dailies
A footage manager to handle the making of dailies on set: allows backup, trascoding, upload,
Animation Software

Toonz Premium 7.4
Toonz Premium is the meeting point of the traditional and paperless animation production workflows.
It provides state-of-the-art tools for both the approaches for endless creative possibilities, and allows you to follow your personal approach to computer-assisted animation fast-forwarding tedious and time-consuming steps.

Story Planner
Story Planner is a tool for creating storyboards with graphical and textual information, and generating animatics with soundtrack and animations.

Toonz LineTest is the 2D animation software for pencil animation tests, providing a no-hassle webcam and video camera support, scanning capabilities, and a real time preview integrated in the familiar xsheet interface.

The Tab
The TAB is a 2D animation software tailored to create original animation for the Web and Broadcast in a natural and intuitive way.

The Tab Kids
The TAB Kids is friendly and colorful software for kids to create animations and cartoons.

The tab Manga
The TAB Manga is the software designed to create mangas and animations from start to finish.
Mobile Applications

Plastic Animation Studio
Plastic Animation Studio is created to bring images to life!
It helps the user to create and share their animated videos with friends, unleashing their artistic side.

Runny Card
Runnycard is an app that allows you to create funny movies and postcards about your run to share online with friends.
Everyone can use Runnycard to show their results!
BioMedical (Medical Imaging)

The Keiron app allows viewing, compare and annotate radiologic images.
This app provides powerful and unique diagnostic tools usable on iPad.
Industry, defense and Security, (control systems and monitoring)

Virtual Life
VirtualLife aims to combine a high quality immersive 3D virtual experience with the trustworthiness of a secure communication infrastructure, focusing on the creation of secure and ruled places within the virtual world where important transactions can occur.

A framework to define, design and implement control consoles for Safety Critical systems.
(i.e.. Underground lines fire systems). The frameworks uses a complex methods to avoid risks related to the graphic cards malfunctions.

Avio3D designed and prototyped a portable unit capable to represent in 3D GNSS data, terrain profiles, navigation data as well as to let the user visualize data received from other systems. Such unit is designed for use in amateur avionics.

An innovative framework for planning and dinamic managing of resources and for predictive analisys of costs and processing.
the data-model allows to define complex interdependencies among tasks, : gdelay effects are spread among dependent tasks in realtime, allowing the quick and sharp setup of countermeasures.

System for automatic generation of tests starting from natural speech defined specification (developed for the European Rail Traffic Management System)
Cultural assets

Digitalization and archive creation of a big historical photographic archive from ANSA; creation of an online server online for consultation, visualization, queries and upload/download.

A software for storytelling with vocal and gestures human interface ; installations of olographic booths by auditorium of Rome (Santa Cecilia musical instruments museum).
Digital Video s.r.l. - 1981-2018 - Via Sante Bargellini, 4 - 00157 Rome - ITALY - email: - Phone:+39 06 43252306
Digital Video s.r.l. 1981-2018
Via Sante Bargellini, 4
00157 Rome - ITALY
Phone:+39 06 43252306